SHS Board Updates
our original logo -
a columbine
Beginning in 2012, the Society has initiated a more structured organization for the public gardens in Swarthmore. For the first time, at our Annual Meeting on October 16, 2011, we elected a slate of officers and directors to help the Society work more effectively in its service to the Swarthmore community. Election of succeeding Board members takes place at our Annual Meeting each October.
January 2024 Board (photo TBD)
*The SHS Board, elected in fall 2023, held its first meeting of the year on Jan. 8, 2024.
President: Betty Robertshaw
Vice President: Andrew Bunting
Treasurer: Julie Vrooman
Recording Secretary: Jennifer Pfluger
Corresponding Secretary: Moira Hahn
Archives: Susan Morikawa
Events: Liz Garnett
Horticulture: Andrew Bunting, Charles Cresson and Judy Penney
Plant Recorder for Horticulture: Julia Fries
Membership: Anne Papa
Publicity: Kit Raven, Beth Soch
President: Betty Robertshaw
Vice President: Andrew Bunting
Treasurer: Julie Vrooman
Recording Secretary: Jennifer Pfluger
Corresponding Secretary: Moira Hahn
Archives: Susan Morikawa
Events: Liz Garnett
Horticulture: Andrew Bunting, Charles Cresson and Judy Penney
Plant Recorder for Horticulture: Julia Fries
Membership: Anne Papa
Publicity: Kit Raven, Beth Soch
Past Boards
SHS Board 2018
The new SHS Board (elected in October 2017) had its first meeting on January 19, 2018
* Horticulture - Judy Penney & Charles Cresson
* Membership - Julie Vrooman
* Publicity - Ginny Scott
* Archives - Kate Dickey & Linda Heffernan
* Events - Judy Penney & Katie Crawford
* Volunteer Coordinator - Margie Linn
*Centennial Foundation Liason - Margie Baker
- President - Jennifer Pfluger
- Vice President - TBA (if interested contact us - see Home page for contact info)
- Immediate Past President - Katie Crawford
- Treasurer - Anne Papa
- Recording Secretary - Mary Lou Parker
- Corresponding Secretary - Gladys Snively
* Horticulture - Judy Penney & Charles Cresson
* Membership - Julie Vrooman
* Publicity - Ginny Scott
* Archives - Kate Dickey & Linda Heffernan
* Events - Judy Penney & Katie Crawford
* Volunteer Coordinator - Margie Linn
*Centennial Foundation Liason - Margie Baker
SHS Board 2017
SHS Board 2016
President - Katie Crawford
Vice President - Jennifer Pfluger
Immediate Past President - Charles Cresson
Treasurer - Gladys Snively
Recording Secretary - Anne Papa
Corresponding Secretary - Mary Lou Parker
Directors at Large
Horticulture - Judy Penney & Charles Cresson
Membership - Lisa Ffrench
Publicity - Ginny Scott
Archives - Kate Dickey & Linda Heffernan
Events - Judy Penney & Katie Crawford
Volunteer Coordinators - Catherine King & Margie Baker
President - Katie Crawford
Vice President - Jennifer Pfluger
Immediate Past President - Charles Cresson
Treasurer - Gladys Snively
Recording Secretary - Anne Papa
Corresponding Secretary - Mary Lou Parker
Directors at Large
Horticulture - Judy Penney & Charles Cresson
Membership - Lisa Ffrench
Publicity - Ginny Scott
Archives - Kate Dickey & Linda Heffernan
Events - Judy Penney & Katie Crawford
Volunteer Coordinators - Catherine King & Margie Baker
2014-5 Board
2012-2013 Board
The SHS Board meetings are open to all. Board meetings are held in the community room at Swarthmore Borough Hall.
Click on "Calendar" tab at the top of this page to access information about upcoming meetings and events.
Click on "Calendar" tab at the top of this page to access information about upcoming meetings and events.
2013-2014 Highlights
- Our new logo (at left) is featured in our new banner, garden signs, and mailings, raising awareness of SHS in our community
- A new public garden, our 13th, is begun at Lincoln Way.
- SHS Membership grows to 200 members, including 33 first time donors in 2013, setting the path for SHS as a self-sustaining organization.
- Our fall bulb sales and first-ever camellia sale bring reliable and beautiful plantings to our community.
- SHS continues to enhance community with public gardens and horticulturally-related events (Spring & Fall Camellia Walks, Bucks County Bus Tour, Native Plants Walk).
2012 Board Meeting Highlights
❁ At the January 13, 2012 meeting, the SHS Board recognized the myriad contributions of Charles Cresson, SHS founder and past president. "Thank you" seems insufficient to convey the debt owed to Charles for his decade of leadership and expert counseling to the SHS. The photo on the right shows Margie Baker, current SHS president, presenting Charles with a gift from the Board. ➔
❁ 2012 was a year full of great horticultural happenings. Special events included an informal chat session on eco-friendly home gardening (April 10), and a "walk around" spring tour of the SHS public gardens (May 4).
❁ 2012 was a year full of great horticultural happenings. Special events included an informal chat session on eco-friendly home gardening (April 10), and a "walk around" spring tour of the SHS public gardens (May 4).